The competition is designed for youth students entrepreneurs providing the opportunity to show innovative solutions in the form of entrepreneurial idea or plan taking up today’s environmental challenges in terms of technology, sustainability and business creation. The prizes in the competition comprise travel and hotel expenses coverage which will enable the winners to have a chance to present their plan in front of the big audience at the 7th edition of Environmental Protection and Energy Conference organized by the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Poland. Year by year this event gathers over 200 people from all around the world. Participation brings a lot of benefits such as networking with specialists, not only from the academic community but also from the industry, hearing about trends that the energy sector is moving towards. In addition. after every edition of EPAE Conference organizers publish the Conference Monograph comprising all articles written by conference speakers.
Who can apply?
The competition is for students currently enrolled in one of the 8 InnoEnergy Master School programmes:
Master’s in Renewable Energy
Master’s in Energy for Smart Cities
Master’s in Environmental Pathways for Sustainable Energy Systems
Master’s in Smart Electrical Networks and Systems
Master’s in Energy Storage
Master’s in Energy Transition
Master’s in Nuclear Energy
Master’s in Energy Technologies
Ideas wanted
Creative solution
Social and environmental impact
Uniqueness and innovation
Economic justification
Contribution to sustainability development
Following circular economy assumptions
How does it work?
Competitors send in 3 min. videos in which they present their ideas that fit in the NABC approach
Judges select 5 winners on the basis of creativity, quality, compliance with the competition profile
Winners are provided with travel tickets and accommodation during the conference which allows them to share their ideas and viewpoints throughout international networking
Selected students are supposed to give 15 min. pitch at the EPAE Conference supported with the written article that will be published in Conference Monograph
Judging Committee
Experts panel of judges including:
Krzysztof Pikoń - Energy Transition Programme Director
Magdalena Bogacka - Energy Transition Event Organizer
Florian Bauer - ENTECH Programme Coordinator
Maciej Majchrowski - Business Creation Manager, EIT InnoEnergy Central Europe
Wojciech Szwajnoch - Project Manager of 7th EPAE Conference
Applications open
Starting date for sending videos via email
20th September
14th November
19th November
20th November
6th December
Applications closing
Deadline to complete the application
Selection of the Winners
Review of all the applications by Judging Committee
Winners Announcement
Competition results published followed by personal instructions